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New world news from Time: A Japanese Medical School Reportedly Altered Entrance Exam Scores to Fail Women

(TOKYO) — A Japanese medical university has systematically discriminated against female applicants because women tend to quit as doctors after starting families, causing hospital staffing shortages, media reports said Thursday. The Yomiuri newspaper said Tokyo Medical University has manipulated the entrance exam results of women since about 2011 to keep the female student population low….

New world news from Time: Kim Jong Un Sent President Trump Another Letter

(WASHINGTON) — The White House says President Donald Trump received a new letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Wednesday following up on their Singapore summit. Trump tweeted early Thursday his thanks to Kim “for your nice letter — I look forward to seeing you soon!” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders says the correspondence…

New world news from Time: Why Trump Imposed Sanctions on a Key NATO Ally

Over the course of 18 months, President Donald Trump has shown he’s willing to use American economic might in ways his predecessors were too cautious — or too prudent — to risk. On Wednesday, he went further than many might have imagined he ever would. In response to the imprisonment of Andrew Brunson, an American…

New world news from Time: No One Died in the Aeromexico Crash. Experts Think It Might Be Because of Stronger Planes

(FRANKFURT, Germany) — Passengers in plane crashes like the Aeromexico accident — in which no one died — have better chances of survival due to better aircraft construction and safety standards, experts say. Air safety investigator Adrian Young, from the Netherlands-based consultancy To70, said Wednesday that crash survival rates “are higher than they have ever…

New world news from Time: Imran Khan’s Victory in Pakistan Could Bring Stability. But at What Cost?

Last week, Pakistanis selected the world’s latest celebrity-turned-political leader, voting for former cricket star Imran Khan to become the next prime minister. Being a political player in Pakistan is not for the faint of heart; in the seven decades since independence, Pakistan has successfully transferred power from one democratically-elected government to another just once; Khan…

New world news from Time: Zimbabwe Grows Anxious as Election Results Are Delayed

(HARARE, Zimbabwe) — Zimbabwe’s election took an uneasy turn Tuesday when the opposition alleged results were not posted outside one-fifth of polling stations as required by law, and the electoral commission said the impatient nation would have to wait longer to learn who will be its next president. The government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, meanwhile,…

New world news from Time: Why Love Island Is the Defining Show of Summer 2018

On Tuesday morning, hundreds of thousands of Brits picked up their smartphones and quietly uninstalled the Love Island app. Another year until our screens are dominated once more by young people trying to find love and fame on the sunny island of Majorca; another year until the country collectively expands its vocabulary again to include…

New world news from Time: Hundreds of Hikers Have Been Rescued From a Mountain After an Earthquake Triggered Landslides in Indonesia

After two days stranded on an Indonesian mountainside, trapped by earthquake-triggered landslides, the final six hikers awaiting rescue have reached safety, officials said. More than 800 climbers, mostly foreign tourists, were on the 12,000-foot mountain on Lombok Island at the time the 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck early Sunday, according to National Disaster Management Agency spokesperson Sutopo…

New world news from Time: Report: North Korea Is Building New Missiles

North Korea is working on new missiles weeks after U.S. President Donald Trump’s summit in Singapore with the North’s leader Kim Jong Un, the Washington Post reported. Newly obtained evidence, including recent satellite photos, indicates that efforts are underway on at least one, and maybe two, liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missiles at a facility on the…

New world news from Time: Cambodia’s ‘Illegitimate’ Election Has Been Rejected by Main Opposition Party

Disqualified from contesting polls and forced to operate in exile, Cambodia’s main opposition party has rejected nationwide elections Sunday that cemented the rule of Asia’s longest-serving leader for another five years. Viewed as unfree and unfair by most international observers, the polls bestowed a sweeping mandate to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party (CPP),…

New world news from Time: President Trump’s Golf Course Damaged Sand Dunes in Scotland, Government Reports Say

(LONDON) — U.S. President Donald Trump’s family business partially destroyed legally protected sand dunes in Scotland when it built a golf course north of Aberdeen, according to government reports released in response to a freedom of information request.Scottish Natural Heritage, which monitors the country’s sensitive and scientifically important sites, found that construction of Trump International…

New world news from Time: Who is Andrew Brunson, the Evangelical Pastor at the Center of Trump’s Threat Against Turkey?

Evangelical pastor Andrew Brunson finds himself at the center of the Trump administration’s latest war of words with a foreign government, after the president threatened Turkey, a NATO ally, with “large sanctions” over his detainment. In a tweet Thursday, Trump called Brunson a “great Christian, family man and wonderful human being” and said he “should…

New world news from Time: Greek Officials Say Arson May Have Caused the Wildfire That Killed Almost 90 People

(ATHENS, Greece) — Frantic relatives headed to the Athens morgue Thursday to seek the fate of loved ones still missing after Greece’s deadliest forest fire in decades, a blaze that Greek authorities said they increasingly suspect resulted from arson. Public Order Minister Nikos Toskas said satellite image analysis and ground inspections provided “serious indications” the…

New world news from Time: Jimmy Kimmel Turned That Tape of Michael Cohen and President Trump Into a Mafia Movie

Jimmy Kimmel gave the tape of President Donald Trump’s conversation with former personal lawyer Michael Cohen the mafia movie treatment. Kimmel laid into the surreptitious recording of Trump’s discussion with longtime personal attorney about a payment on Wednesday’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live! His entry point? The interview Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis recently gave to…